When it comes to sharing assets in a solutions gallery, it’s important to understand what types of assets are allowed and which assets cannot be shared in the solutions gallery. Solutions galleries are platforms that are designed to share and showcase specific types of assets, and they have certain guidelines and terms of service that must be followed in order to maintain a safe and productive environment for users. In this blog, we will be discussing in detail the types of assets that are not allowed in the solutions gallery and the reasons behind them.

Sensitive and Confidential Information

Assets that contain sensitive or confidential information such as personal data, trade secrets, or proprietary information are not allowed to be shared in the solutions gallery as they can cause serious harm to individuals or businesses if they fall into the wrong hands. Personal data refers to information that can be used to identify a specific individual such as name, address, social security number, etc. Trade secrets are any information that gives a business an advantage over its competitors and is not generally known to the public. Proprietary information refers to any information that is owned by a company and is considered confidential such as customer lists, financial information, etc. Sharing these types of assets can lead to serious legal and financial consequences for both the solutions gallery and the user who shared the asset.

Violation of Legal and Regulatory Requirements

Assets that violate legal or regulatory requirements such as those related to intellectual property, data privacy, or security, are prohibited from being shared in the solutions gallery. These regulations are put in place to protect the rights of individuals and businesses, and sharing assets that violate these regulations can put the solutions gallery and its users at risk. For example, sharing assets that contain copyrighted material without permission is a violation of intellectual property laws, and sharing assets that contain personal data without proper consent is a violation of data privacy laws. It’s important to ensure that any assets shared in the solutions gallery comply with all legal and regulatory requirements.

Irrelevant to The Main Topic of The Gallery

Assets that are not related to the main topic of the solutions gallery, or that are not of interest for the community, may also be prohibited from being shared in the solutions gallery. This is because the solutions gallery is a platform that is designed to share and showcase specific types of assets, and assets that are not relevant to the main topic of the gallery may not be useful for the community or may cause confusion. For example, if the solutions gallery is focused on sharing assets related to machine learning, then assets that are not related to machine learning such as assets for gardening will not be allowed to be shared in the gallery.

Harmful or Offensive Content

Assets that are harmful, offensive or defamatory, or that promote or glorify violence, hate speech, or discrimination, are not allowed in the solutions gallery. This is because the solutions gallery is a platform for sharing and collaborating on assets, and assets that promote hate or violence can create a hostile environment for users and can harm the reputation of the solutions gallery. Examples of harmful or offensive content include assets that contain hate speech, racist or sexist language, or images depicting graphic violence. These types of assets can create a toxic environment for users and are not allowed in the solutions gallery.


Sharing assets in a solutions gallery can be a great way to showcase your work and connect with other professionals in your field. However, it’s important to remember which assets cannot be shared in the solutions gallery. Understanding these rules is crucial for businesses and individuals who want to share assets in a solutions gallery.