
Energy costs can be one of your business’s most significant expenses, especially when it comes to keeping the lights on and heating/cooling the office. With time, energy costs may affect the bottom line you can’t afford to ignore. Energy costs have continued to rise, making it one of the top three expenses in many companies’ budgets behind the labor and raw materials. However, there are ways to decrease energy costs without sacrificing operations or comfort. You can make many of these changes without any special equipment or knowledge of DIY engineering—just the desire to save money and the follow-through to make it happen!

1. Using an Efficient Energy Management System

One way to save energy without sacrificing productivity is to use an energy management system. An efficient energy management system will help you monitor and control your energy usage in real-time so that you can make adjustments as necessary. Additionally, an energy management system can help you set goals and track progress over time, so you can continue to find ways to save more money on energy costs.

The two most common energy management systems are the building automation or building management system that monitors building systems like HVACs and electrical outlets; and the energy dashboard that provides insight into everything from power production to consumption levels. For an efficient energy management system, you can contact Ontario Wholesale Energy and save hugely on your company’s electricity bill.

2. Make Efficient Lighting Decisions and Upgrade Your Lighting System

Regarding your business, lighting accounts for a large portion of your energy usage and costs. Making efficient lighting decisions can help reduce energy consumption and costs. Here are a few tips:

  • Use natural light whenever possible.
  • When using artificial lighting, choose LED bulbs over incandescent or fluorescent bulbs.
  • You can take advantage of daylight harvesting and occupancy sensors to reduce the time that lights are on when they don’t need to be.

If you’re going to replace older fixtures with new ones, make sure you purchase models with good energy efficiency ratings. Altogether, these measures will reduce electricity use and cost without sacrificing operations!

3. Retrofit Your Building with Insulation and Windows

Making simple changes to your building will help you save on your energy costs. Add insulation to keep the heat in during winter and out during summer. Insulating your floors is one of the most important things you can do to keep your home warm during winter. As insulation ages, it loses effectiveness and begins letting out cold air from under the floorboards, leading to drafts coming into your home.

Windows also create natural drafts that make it difficult for heaters or other heating appliances to do their job efficiently. Hence, installing energy-efficient windows to let in natural light and keep the heat out is crucial in decreasing energy costs. Window film also helps with this purpose and reduces glare that causes eyestrain.

4. Use Radiant Heat Heating Systems

Radiant heat heating systems are a great way to save on energy costs without sacrificing operations. They work by heating objects in the room instead of the air, so they are very efficient. Plus, they are quiet, and you can easily control them with a thermostat. The system is also cheaper than electric heat or forced-air systems because it is not dependent on any other external power source. You may have to install radiant panels or tubing to install this type of heating system, but it is worth it because this type of system will last many years and pay for itself over time.

You will also be able to take advantage of consistent temperature due to its direct heat delivery to the object. A radiant heat system will be a good idea if your business has ample space that needs heating. For example, if you run an industrial company where many people regularly come into contact with extreme cold or hot conditions, it would be best to invest in one of these systems.

5. Optimize Your HVAC System to Prevent Excess Energy Consumption

Optimizing your HVAC system is one of the most efficient ways to reduce energy costs. You can decrease energy consumption without sacrificing comfort or productivity by ensuring your system runs efficiently. Here are a few tips:

  • Schedule regular maintenance check-ups for your HVAC system to ensure it runs at peak performance.
  • Inspect and seal any air leaks in your building envelope – this will prevent conditioned air from escaping and reduce your energy costs.
  • Replace old HVAC with new, more efficient equipment.


Don’t let your energy bill take over your bottom line. Start with small changes that have the most significant impact, and work your way up. Cut back on lighting and set timers, so you’re not wasting electricity when it’s not in need. Ensure everything is off when it’s not in use, including computers, printers, scanners, etc. Get a professional HVAC technician to inspect your system regularly and make any necessary repairs as soon as possible before things get worse and more expensive. Above all, hire an expert in wholesale energy sourcing to help you make efficient lighting decisions and help you set up an efficient energy management system to save even more money; you’ll be glad you did!